Friday, July 24, 2009

Days of 47 Youth Parade Float

It's been a busy summer, and one of the biggest things was being chairman of the committee to build a float for the Days of 47 Youth Parade on behalf of the Midvale Utah Stake. We've haven't been able to park in our garage since the beginning of June. And i thinks there's more glitter in my yard then there is on the float. I really enjoyed being able to make something tangible. All my favorite parts of the float you can't see because it's tall the engineering underneath that holds everything together. We had a great committee and they offered tons of help. Lots of donated time and materials. I'm very grateful for all the help, Here are some of the folks at work, this is only some of the people who helped. If anyone has pictures of the primary activities where the kids helped paint please send them to me.

At the end of April, we had a good first meeting and a great brain storm session to generate our idea, and there were a ton of ideas. We settled on a garden since it brought together a lot of them. I made a bunch of quick sketches, but in the end I designed the float to scale in Maya. It was a super help, everyone could see what we were building, and fly around it in 3d. We were able to take all the measurements off the it, and even save off parts for to be cut on a CNC machine used for foam, which was amazing (thanks Dave and Dennis). I'm surprised how much it resembles the finished product.

Being a garden we were able to build each part individually then assemble all together near the end. Which was helpful since we really didn't have a place to store it till near the end. Here's a progression of the peas from sketch to finish.

Here are a few photos of the work in progress from beginning to end.

The kids had fun

We were able to get straw hats and bandannas for all the kids. The primary did a great job of getting the kids involved and out to the parade. Here's the group that showed up to walk.

The icing on the cake was the great tractor that pulled the float in the parade.

We are going to all march again in the Midvale Harvest Days Parade on August 8th, if you'd like to see it in person.

1 comment:

Heather Dixon said...

This is marvelous! I love the peas in the pod.