Thursday, April 19, 2007

More Sketchbook Faces

Here is a sampling of fellow commuters I've drawn since the last post. We bought a house a while back and with my day equally divided between fixing up the house, work, and sleep, it seems my commute is the only time to draw. If you ride the train maybe you can spot yourself in there.


Rob Au said...

I love the guy with the beard in the top row. He looks like my cousin Jake... but he lives in Redwood City, CA. So I guess not. Love the life of them all. With all of them I can easily imagine the story behind them.

Anonymous said...

Hey Chad congrats on getting a job at Waterford they make really cool stuff!

Kevin Leinbach

Ken Chandler said...

Great sketches Chad. Love the variety. I need to work on my people drawing skills.

And off the topic...
Tag! You're it!
Here's the deal, Mel Milton just tagged me and 6 other people (not sure who) and forced us at gun point to draw 7 sketches (topic of our choice) in any medium. Then post them on our site.

Then you have the unbridled pleasure of picking 7 victims (er...) friends to do their 7 sketches, and so on.

Kidding about the gun. Mel just posted a comment.
Have fun with it. I did.

Keath said...

Cool sketches - I really like that goatee guy in the middle of the --- YYYAAAAHHHH - YOUR AVATAR JUST WIGGLED HIS EYEBROWS AT ME!!!

*whew* I'm okay now ... Can we please get someone up here to clean up this mess?